Rajib Sharma
Adding Value

Value Added Sessions

Value added sessions are implemented, along with the Computer Bus Programme, as additional activities. This programme is introduced for motivating students towards learning, besides enhancing creative development and application, in addition to team work. A ‘theme of the month’ is selected, based on which activities are planned, wherein student participation is of paramount importance “You …

A whole new way to Education
Adding Value

A whole new way to Education

“Why do we have to study science?” This is one question Glorina Konwar, a class VIII student of Nagajan Bazaloni ME School would ask most of the times, like most of her classmates too. Well, thanks to the introduction of the K-Yan (Knowledge Vehicle) this perception of studying Science changed 360 degrees. Before we find …

Adding Value

Financial Literacy programme

The main objective of the Financial Literacy programme is to create awareness amongst the community on various issues related to finance. These are the issues that almost families or individual comes across in their respective daily lives. Since the services of the Computer Buses are being utilized for this programme, villages around the adopted schools …

English Relay
Adding Value

Activity Based Learning

English Relay Programme (ERP), Science Kits and Math Master (MM) use the kit-based approach (constructivist approach) for building foundation skills in curricular subjects, through games & activities, where learning happens through experimentation, trial and error and joyful experiences. These are also known as interactive kits 1.English Relay Programme: The English communication programme aims to teach …

Deepsikha Gogoi
Adding Value

Life Skills Programme

What are Life Skills, and why are they gaining importance in today’s world, especially when applicable to the curricula of students? Well, most of us may know the answer, but Deepsikha Gogoi surely does, and pat comes the reply: “Life Skills, as the name suggests, comprises of all the skills necessary to enhance the quality …

Aroti Mazhi
Adding Value

Computer on Wheels

“You know, I was nervous when I first saw this ‘box’ called a computer. I was scared to touch it, leave alone operate it. What if it got damaged?! I could never afford to pay for the damage,” says Aroti Mazhi, a student of Lahuwal Girls M.E. School, Dibrugarh, Assam The 13 year-old girl hails …

intelligent building
Adding Value

Intelligent Buildings

Children consistently absorb inputs from their surroundings and are receptive to multiple sensory perceptions. To harness this potential, the school environment can be enriched in order to serve as an apt learning opportunity at each and every step and turn of the building contours. Schoolnet has developed a holistic solution aimed at improving learning outcomes …

Adding Value

A Healthy Future for Assam

Oil India Limited (OIL) has earned a reputation of a company that aligns itself with the greater good of society. As a responsible corporate, the company has always maintained its foundation on both Corporate and Social Responsibility. Under its CSR initiative – Project Arogya, the Company aims to reduce Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Maternal …