As a writer, interviewing people from different walks of life is a part and parcel of one’s assignment; however, as interesting as it can be, it is also challenging – different people, different approaches.
In conversation with Prof. Amarendra Behera, Joint Director, Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET)
Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), is a premiere national institute of educational technology under NCERT. Its major aim is to promote utilization of educational technologies viz. radio, TV, films, satellite communications and cyber media. The institute undertakes activities to widen educational opportunities, promote equity and improve quality of educational processes at school level.In this …
AI – Whither Artificial Intelligence – AI Index 2017
A solar system with as many planets as our own has been discovered with the help of Kepler space telescope powered with Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is one of the latest startling discoveries made possible last month. Driverless cars are a reality, so is intelligent personal assistant like Alexa that obeys your multiple commands. In …
Creativity in the digital world: Interplay of technology and humans
Digital technologies, no one would disagree, have disruptive implications for economic and social structure including educational institutions. What is interesting is that these implications are not predetermined. It ushers an era where discontinuity is the most salient feature. ‘21 Lessons for the 21st Century’ by Yuval Noah Harari’s is yet another scintillating investigation into some …
Learning to Realise Educator’s Promise
John Abbott wrote an influential book ‘overschooled but undereducated’, where he suggested that the system of education, represented by schools, stifles our natural development to become people, who can respond creatively to situations, which endanger our survival as a species. There is growing consensus that schooling is not the same as learning The World Development …